Thursday, September 08, 2005

Breasts, Tits, Boobs

Suggested vocabluary: bazookas, bazoomies, bee bite, beer glass, berthas, big berthas, big McDuffs, blouse bunnies, boob, boobie, bosom, boulders, brace and bits, breast, bristols, bubbies, bubs, buds, buffers, cantaloups, cantaloupes, champagne glass, chi-chi, chubbies, coconuts, Dolly Partons, double barrel, Double Lotus Peak, droppers, dugs, dumplings, fun cushions, globes, grapefruits, headlights, hooters, hummers, jugs, knobs, knockers,light and bitter, lungs, mammary, melon, milk wagons, muffins, norks, pair, puppies, rack, ski slopes,tabs,ta tas, teat, thirty-eights, penny bits, tit, tittie, twin mounds, top bullocks, tweeters, twin mounds, twin peaks, twins, udder, voos, wine glass, woofers,